Witch Hunt
Donnie will be processed for his fourth indictment this week. For the fourth time, hundreds of cameras and news reporters will breathlessly cover his private jet landing and his motorcade roaring down streets cleared of traffic. “Will he be fingerprinted? Will there be a mug shot? Will Donnie be thrown into a fetid cell with Crips or Bloods?”
Donnie never tires of painting himself as the victim of a Witch Hunt. “This has never happened before in America! Joe Biden is like a the dictator of a banana republic. He is indicting the only person who can defeat him in an election!”
Donnie is correct. When you are White, famous, rich, and well-lawyered, the justice system treats you very differently. As of 2002 (the last time the government collected this data nationally), about 29% of people in local jails were unconvicted — that is, locked up while awaiting trial or another hearing. Nearly 7 in 10 (69%) of these detainees were people of color, with Black (43%) and Hispanic (19.6%) defendants especially overrepresented compared to their share of the total U.S. population. Since then, pretrial populations have more than doubled in size. Unconvicted defendants now make up about two-thirds (65%) of jail populations nationally.
When Second Harvest delivered pallets of food to Easton’s ProJeCt Food Bank, Northampton County Jail inmates unloaded and sorted it. Talking with the guys, I found that they were happy to relieve the boredom of jail with a “field trip” and some physical labor. Half of them were awaiting trial, some for nearly a year. Of course, more than half of them were Black or Brown. The data regarding “unconvicted defendants” rotting in jail is true.
Let’s say that the Deep State somehow screws up Donnie’s paperwork and he ends up incarcerated in the Fulton County Jail after his mug shot. FCJ was designed for 1,125 prisoners. It actually houses nearly 2,500. Fifteen inmates died within its walls last year. If Witch-Hunter-In-Chief Joe Biden sent Donnie into the bowels of Fulton County Jail for an extended period of time, the American Justice System would be as evil as Donnie claims it is.
In the end, these indictments will result in nothing. White, famous, rich, and well-lawyered Ted Kennedy killed a girl when he drove drunk off that bridge in Chappaquidick. He served thirty more years in the Senate and was almost nominated for president. He never occupied a prison cell. White, famous, rich, and well-lawyered Donald Trump instigated an insurrection attempting to reverse an election . Donnie might be re-elected president. He will never occupy a prison cell either.
Those witches being hunted are never White, rich, famous, and well-lawyered.
By Ed Dufton