Who was that Masked Man?
“Honey, would you pick up the dry cleaning on your way home from work and put my mail-in ballot in the drop box?”
In Lehigh County, it’s still OK to pick up someone else’s dry cleaning, but dropping off another person’s mail-in ballot can result in two years in jail and a $2,500 fine. In fact, the Lehigh County District Attorney will assign county detectives to observe those “drop boxes” and to arrest those ballot box stuffers who stole the presidency from Donald J. Trump in 2020. The DA noted that surveillance cameras just don’t do the job. Those vile Biden supporters mostly wore masks when they did their dirty deeds. Of course, there was a pandemic going on at the time, but that’s no excuse.
Even with the grainy surveillance footage and despite the masks, the eagle-eyed DA picked out a whopping 288 people depositing at least two ballots in the boxes back in 2020. In his mind, that’s enough to swing an election with more than 150,000 votes cast.
Voters received mail-in ballots this week. The primary election is May 17. Lehigh County has five drop box locations. Five Lehigh County detectives will not be out there bringing murderers, arsonists, and rapists to justice for the next three weeks. Instead, they will be hassling husbands dropping off their wife’s ballot along with their own.
Guess which party the Lehigh County DA represents? I’m sure he will get an invitation to Mar-a-Lago for standing up to those ballot box stuffing Dems.
By Ed Dufton