Trumpism Lives On
Donald Trump’s political future may be questionable. At least I hope that the only former president so childish that he refused to attend his successor’s inauguration will not sit in the Oval Office again.
Trumpism, however, is with us to stay. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis throws tantrums just like Donnie as shown by his spat with Disney. Governor Ron also is just as hypocritical as Donnie. He proclaims that parents, not government, should dictate what is taught in Florida schools. “Our children are being ‘groomed’ to accept LBGTQ propaganda in the first grade! Our children are taught to be ashamed of being white Christians by Critical Race Theory even before they can read! Our math textbooks show examples of women and minorities who used math to advance human knowledge! Parents, rise up and challenge those ‘woke’ school administrators!”
Talking out of the other side of his mouth, this week Governor Ron inserted government mandates right into Florida schools. Nov. 7 is now the state’s official “Victims of Communism Day.” Public school teachers there will soon be required to dedicate at least 45 minutes of instruction on that day to teach students about communist leaders around the world and how people suffered under those regimes. I’m sure that Florida kindergartners would rather hear about how 10 million Chinese died during Mao’s “Great Leap Forward” than sound out the words to “Goodnight Moon”.
Do you suppose that catering to Florida’s rabidly anti-communist Cuban population might be behind Governor Ron’s ploy?
Tantrums and hypocrisy are straight from the Trumpism Playbook. Governor Ron is picking up right where Donnie left off.
By Ed Dufton