Trump Jr., Spokesman for the Common Man

Lynette Dufton
2 min readAug 29, 2022


“That kettle is really black,” said the pot.

Donald Trump, Jr. commented on the student debt relief proposal, “Biden essentially wants blue-collar workers like truck drivers — who didn’t have the luxury of going to college to get drunk for four years — to bail out a bunch of upper-middle-class kids who chose to spend tens of thousands of dollars that they didn’t have on worthless gender study degrees.”

Oh that Junior, he’s always been one to stand up for the common man. Growing up in poverty as he did brings real empathy.

Junior continued, “Why is there so much student debt? Because leftwing universities keep on raising tuition, while graduating kids with worthless degrees. That’s why any solution to student debt that doesn’t touch the billions of dollars sitting in the university endowments is an absolute scam!”

How did these “leftwing” universities obtain those billions in endowment? Your brother-in-law Jared Kushner got into Harvard only after his Dad coughed up a million dollar “donation” to its endowment. I’m sure that you got into Penn on your academic merits as opposed to Daddy’s money.

Junior finished with a zinger. “Do thousands of Harvard Law grads need hard working blue collar workers to help them pay off their loans for them? Insane and disgusting!”

Biden’s proposal limits student debt forgiveness to those earning $125 K or less. Harvard Law School grads leave $125 K tips to Uber drivers. OK. That’s an exaggeration, but odds are that a Harvard-trained lawyer is making a bit more than $125 K.

Junior failed to mention the late and unlamented Trump University. “Donald Trump scammed 9,000 students out of $42 million in the illegal, unlicensed ‘Trump University’ — tricking them into putting the ‘tuition’ on their credit cards,” a lawyer tweeted. “But sure, let’s hear from the Trumps and their cronies about universities and student debt.”

“That kettle is really black,” said the Trump pot.

By Ed Dufton



Lynette Dufton
Lynette Dufton

Written by Lynette Dufton

These posts are written by my father, Ed Dufton, who has an incredible knack of condensing the day’s news into a witty and insightful commentary on society.

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