The Taste of the American Public
H.L. Mencken wrote, “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” That still holds nearly a century later. Look at who we elected to the presidency this year. He later added the corollary “No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public, either.” That also still holds true. Look at what’s available “just in time for Christmas” this week.
Brian Thompson’s blood has not yet dried on that NYC sidewalk and shirts, stickers, mugs, phone cases, and lawn signs reading “Deny Defend Depose” were available for sale on eBay yesterday. “Deny Defend Depose” were written on the bullet casings at the crime scene. In fact, “TheSleepyKuma” store was hawking a “Deny Defend Depose keychain” in the shape of three bullets on-line for $10.00. That’s about as tasteful as the trolls who dipped their kerchiefs in Anne Boleyn’s blood after she was beheaded hoping for profitable re-sale.
Tastefulness has seldom been part of Christmas apparel. Ugly sweater parties are kind of fun. Tastefulness and ugly are often two very different things though. eBay is offering a holiday sweatshirt reading “‘Tis the Season, Deny. Defend. Depose.” picturing reindeer, the scales of justice, and a guillotine.
No Christmas tree would be complete without a Deny. Defend. Depose. ornament alongside the one that your toddler made in pre-school. It’s available from Etsy.
A “United Healthcare Parody Deny Defend Depose Wine Tumbler” described as a gift “For Auntie” can be purchased on-line for a mere $12.59. United Healthcare may be guilty of many sins, but cold-blooded murder on the street is scarcely a thing to “parody”.
To its credit, Amazon removed Deny. Defend. Depose. items from its website within twelve hours labeling it an “offensive product”. TikTokShop still offers a complete line of Deny. Defend. Depose. items. One of the sweatshirts has sold more than 1,000 times in a single day.
One thousand lucky Americans will find a sweatshirt commemorating a murder under their Christmas tree. That’s putting the Christ back in Christmas all right. Mencken was so right. “No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.”
By Ed Dufton