Sour Grapes
Claims of “sour grapes” are a lot more effective if the grapes are truly sour.
Marzena Konat’s Letter to the Editor shows that she never tasted those grapes. Marzena wrote, “You guys on The Left with the help of the Mainstream Media, Big Tech, and Big Pharma got your guy into the White House even though he clearly showed signs of dementia and senility.”
I guess that is why Senile Joe stopped Trump’s FCC from allowing Big Tech to expand its bandwidth and included price controls on Pharma as part of the Build Back Better package. Of course, Senile Joe never “aced” that Repeat These Five Nouns In Order thing like Donnie did. That should be a requirement for the Presidency.
Marzena continues, “Trump gave us lower taxes, lower inflation, lower unemployment, and energy independence. Facts!”
If by “us”, Marzena meant corporations and the 1%, she is correct about lower taxes. By pooh-poohing COVID, Donnie was responsible for 8% unemployment when the pandemic struck. Since no one had any money, inflation was low. Donnie’s “energy independence” was more a result of lower demand due to the pandemic recession. Sometimes, “facts” don’t stand up to the light of day.
Marzena closes with a litany of the evil brought upon America by the Democrats:
80% increase in energy prices — Marzena didn’t do well in Math. If gasoline prices in Nov, 20 were $2.50 and they are $3.50 in Nov, 21, that’s 40% not 80%.
The disaster in Afghanistan — Trump’s administration actually signed the agreement with the Taliban promising withdrawal in June, 21. Maybe a little pre-planning by Trump would have eliminated the need to disable the helicopters that we left behind.
Teaching hatred and bigotry in our schools, K thru 12 — If Marzena defines “hatred and bigotry” as truthfully telling kids that we stole the continent from the Indians and then crammed them into reservations, that slavery existed until 150 years ago, and that thousands of Blacks were lynched, she would be correct. I would define “hatred and bigotry” as the actions of those “good people on both sides” (according to Donnie) at the Charlottesville March.
A totally inept Cabinet — Donnie’s Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, literally fell asleep during a televised Cabinet meeting. Wilbur was also the guy who ran Bethlehem Steel into bankruptcy thus screwing its employees out of pensions and health care but personally made millions as a result. No wonder he is tired today. That is hard work. Donnie’s Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State was a revolving door based on his whims. Biden’s Cabinet presumably stays awake during meetings and stays on the job long enough to keep the seat warm.
Those grapes really are kind of sour, Marzena.