Slippery Slope
I do not believe in evil conspiracies around every corner. There is no James Bond villain behind that tree falling on the electrical line to 10 Beaver Lane (or 118 Sherman). The outcomes were purely due to chance.
However, I am convinced that there is a conspiracy behind this week’s Supreme Court hearing. The Catholic Church, Evangelicals, and miscellaneous Church Ladies fought long and hard to get the current conservative Supreme Court. They got their anti-abortion ruling last year. “Let’s go after the gays this year!”
Salient facts from this case include:
1. The case is purely hypothetical. The Graphic Designer was never approached by a gay couple to prepare wedding announcements. Neither she nor any potential customer was financially harmed by Colorado’s Anti-Discrimination Law.
2. That law says that businesses there must serve all customers regardless of race, religion, or sexual orientation. That is not the issue here.
3. The Graphic Designer claims that her work is her expression of Free Speech and as such is protected by the First Amendment. She cannot be forced to apply her “free speech” to something she does not believe in like gay marriage.
4. This Court loves sending controversial topics back to the individual states. “We aren’t totally overruling Roe v. Wade, we’re just letting state legislatures decide whether 10 year old rape victims have to carry pregnancies to term. On the other hand, when we disagree with laws like the Colorado Anti-Discrimination one, we don’t trust the states at all.”
The Graphic Designer doesn’t have the hundreds of thousands of dollars to bring a case to the Supreme Court. In fact, the Conspirators paying her bills are hoping to “chip away” at Gay Rights now that they have a Supreme Court that will bend to their (conservative) will.
The NRA fought even the most “common sense” Gun Control Laws — people subject to a Protection From Abuse Order should not be buying AR-15s, for example. “This is a Slippery Slope! This the first step. Next thing you know, the FBI will beat down your door and take away your hunting rifle!”
This Graphic Designer case could also be a Slippery Slope. “”Artistic Self-Expression Businesses can discriminate against Gays. Next thing you know, any business can do so.”
By Ed Dufton