Side Gig
Why would anyone want to be President?
Life Magazine published side-by-side photos of JFK at his inauguration and after two years as Chief Executive. He aged ten years in those two. Obama’s hair turned prematurely gray while in office. And those two were the youngest to assume the office.
Of course, “The healthiest man ever to assume the presidency. His great genes mean he may live to be 200”, Donald J. Trump didn’t age at all, probably because the presidency was a “side gig” for the “very, very rich businessman.” His businesses received at least $7.8 million in payments from foreign governments and government-backed entities from 20 countries while he was in the White House. That $7.8 million covers only the Trump hotels in Washington, Las Vegas and New York, and Trump Tower in Manhattan. Donnie’s golf courses and office towers pulled in a nice buck as well.
Chief among the foreign entities lining Donnie’s pockets were the Chinese at $5.6 million and the Saudis at $615 K. That’s the same China that is building aircraft carriers and threatening to invade Taiwan. That’s the same Saudi Arabia that was home to nine of the thirteen 9/11 hijackers. The Saudis also gave Jared Kushner a cool $2 billion for his hedge fund just to stay on Trump’s good side.
Apparently, the key to remaining youthful while President is to view the job as a side gig and line your pockets with foreign cash.
By Ed Dufton