Show Me
Missouri proudly proclaims itself “The Show Me State”. Tricksters may be able to put one over on those rubes from Kansas or Illinois, but Missourians demand physical proof. “I’m from Missouri. Show me.”
Last week, the Missouri Legislature carried “Show Me” to its extreme. Minors (of any age, even toddlers) are allowed to openly carry firearms in public without adult supervision. That’s right. Three year old Kyle can brandish an AR-15 that’s about as big as he is on the playground.
The new law merely removes the “adult supervision” requirement from an existing 2017 law. Since then, Missourians can “open carry” weapons without a permit, training , or criminal background check. There is no age limit to purchase a weapon there. A kid not tall enough to ride a roller coaster can save up his allowance and tooth fairy money and buy an AR-15.
Last week’s law passed 104–39 with exactly one Republican vote against. GOP state representative Bill Hardwick explained his vote in favor of kids carrying guns this way. “I just have a different approach for addressing public safety that doesn’t deprive people, who have done nothing to any other person, who will commit no violence, from their freedom.” Explain that to the family of the Virginia teacher who was injured and could have been killed by a 6 year old student, Bill. Why not allow infants to drive pick-up trucks?
Lest we think that Missouri Republicans have gone totally off the rails, a bill before the Legislature makes “Drag Queen Story Time” a Class A misdemeanor if witnessed by anyone under 13 years old. Missouri kids can strut down the street waving an AR-15 but they must “sashay away” (in Ru Paul’s immortal phrase) from a Drag Queen reading Dr Suess.
By Ed Dufton