RePo Man
Donnie claimed that he is a victim of a “double-barreled justice system”. Corrupt judges (under the direction of the Infamous Biden Crime Family) are picking on him, and him alone, to prevent him from re-winning the presidency. Donnie is undergoing this ordeal so that you, Mr & Mrs America will not have to.
It’s a “double-barreled justice system” all right. Donnie’s $450 million bond was reduced to $150 million at the last minute. Miraculously, a California billionaire then ponied up the bond. Surely, the populace of our Northampton County jail had the same last-minute bail reduction and a bond provided by a California Angel.
The California Angel is Don Hankey. Hankey is worth $7.4 billion and lives in Xanadu, Olivia Newton-John’s former Malibu estate. Hankey said the bond was a good business deal, not a political statement. Hankey’s main business is providing high-interest car loans to customers with poor credit. For example, he might provide a hypothetical customer with a low credit score a car loan at 24%. Apparently, MasterCard and The Mob are not the only ones who can get away with usury like that.
Hankey typically has 300,000 outstanding car loans. Not all of them work out. He averages 250 repossessions per day. Don Hankey is “RePo Man”.
Let’s assume that Donnie’s loses his appeal to the NY Supreme Court and that not only the $150 million but the remainder of the $450 million all become due. Despite Donnie’s claims, no one believes that he has an undiscovered $450 million between his sofa cushions. Will RePo Man put a wheel lock on Trump Tower and back up a big truck to haul it away?
Is loaning money to Donald Trump ever “a good business deal”? The creditors that Donnie shafted own his A.C. casinos, airline, vodka, etc. would disagree. Would Mr & Mrs America get even a 24% loan after four bankruptcies?
Look out for RePo Man, Donnie.
By Ed Dufton