Puppy Killer
Those TV commercials showing suffering puppies always get to me. Shivering in the cold, ribs showing due to starvation, cruelly tied to a post, with puppy dog eyes staring at you, how can you not get choked up? Even the hardest-core “Build The Wall” Trumpies can’t resist suffering puppies.
Pennsylvania Democrats reached a new low in taste this week. They released a televised campaign ad depicting many suffering puppies. The Voice of Doom in the background said, “Mehmet Oz conducted research on live animals at Columbia University. 329 dogs died in those experiments. Oz’s test subjects experienced vomiting, lethargy, paralysis, and kidney failure. In one case, puppies killed by injection were kept in a garbage bag with their live littermates. Columbia and Dr Oz were fined all of $2,000 for violations of the Animal Welfare Act by the FDA.”
Left unsaid was “Do you want a Puppy Killer as your Senator?”
I could have been known as a Fish Killer in 1977. A cowboy backhoe operator ruptured an underground chemical waste line on my project. The chemical waste stunk so he grabbed a hose and directed it to a storm drain which emptied into the local creek. Many fish and frogs perished. I didn’t personally kill them, but the cowboy was working for my project. Therefore I was responsible.
I doubt that Dr Oz personally killed those puppies, but people working for him did. He was responsible.
Still, Mehmet Oz is no more a terrible person with a blatant disregard for the suffering of animals than I am. The FDA with their crummy $2,000 fine are the bad guys in this story.
As my father would say, “That campaign ad is some cheap shit.”
By Ed Dufton