Protecting Women and Children
America has public health problems in 2025. We are in the midst of the worst flu outbreak in a decade. Also, Texas is experiencing a measles infestation. That’s the same measles that I and every other kid at Monroe School came down with in 1955. Measles sucked. You desperately needed to scratch its rash and pustules, but if you did they would scab over and leave a scar. I still have one on my forehead. Mom’s Home Remedy was to tape socks over your hands so you couldn’t scratch away.
That was the extent of measles remediation in 1955. Too late for me, the Measles/Mumps/Rubella vaccine came into being in the 1960’s. Measles was eradicated in America until the anti-vaccine frenzy of the 2020’s. “Vaccines cause autism!!! You are better off being crippled with polio, dying of COVID, or scratching away with measles than becoming Dustin Hoffman in “Rain Man”! Schools, hospitals, or military bases are infringing on the rights of their staffs by requiring them to be inoculated so that everyone isn’t infected!”
RFK, Jr. built a successful political career in 2024 solely on that issue. He became Secretary of Heath and Human Services last week. Flu and measles outbreaks aside, Junior’s first action was on the burning issue of trans people. HHS issued “Protecting Women and Children”. Junior stated, “This administration is bringing back common sense and restoring biological truth to the federal government. The prior administration’s policy of trying to engineer gender ideology into every aspect of public life is over. Sex as an immutable biological classification that is limited to male and female. Recognizing the immutable and biological nature of sex is essential to ensure the protection of women’s health, safety, private spaces, sports, and opportunities. We are committed to empowering women and girls to be active in sports and stay healthy throughout life.”
Right on, Junior. Denying care to transgender youth and keeping trans people out of public restrooms is more important to women’s health than medical abortions for ectopic pregnancies which you adamantly oppose. Females were risking their health and abandoning sports in droves when Obama and Biden allowed trans men to dominate athletics.
While hospital wards are filling with flu patients and Texas kids are suffering with measles, the priority at HHS is to ensure that trans kids don’t get medical care and that they can’t play sports.
Junior is not alone in picking on the trans community. The current Congress hasn’t passed a budget or done much more than bow down to Trump’s wishes. In a courageous move, it forbade its sole trans member, Sarah McBride of Delaware, from using the Capitol’s public restrooms. That’s “Protecting Women and Children” all right.
By Ed Dufton