Poor, Poor Pitiful Me
Trumpies follow their Dear Leader by shucking and jiving to “YMCA”. It’s actually a gay cruising anthem, people! You’re supposed to be against that sort of stuff.
The theme song for Trump 2.0 should be Linda Ronstadt’s “Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me”. It turns out that those evil women and minorities have been oppressing poor, poor, pitiful white men under the aegis of DEI. White Guy Darren Beattie wrote this on X, “Competent white men must be in charge if you want things to work. Unfortunately, our entire national ideology is predicated on coddling the feelings of women and minorities and demoralizing competent white men.”
White Guy Darren Beattie is now up for nomination by the Senate as an Undersecretary of State. The Senate is well on its way to approving equally out-of-touch RFK, Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard for cabinet positions, so Darren is a shoo-in. His misogyny and racism will go over big with the International Muslim Bloc. As an added bonus, Darren’s getting a “plum job” will raise the morale of downtrodden, demoralized white guys everywhere.
Of course, Darren had other qualifications besides misogyny and racism. He appeared on Donald Trump Jr.’s podcast recently claiming that the FBI was behind pipe bombs planted at the RNC headquarters on Jan 6 and that Joe Biden ordered a coverup of the true instigators that day. It goes without saying that Darren claimed that the 2020 election was stolen. Conspiracy Theory goes a long way on Trump 2.0.
By the way, Darren’s new job will involve “overall public outreach and press strategies for the State Department.” And we thought that Sean Spicer was a bad choice as press liaison.
Pro wrestlers have specific “walk up music” as they bound toward the ring. The crowd goes nuts. MAGA crowds went nuts when Donnie approached the podium to “YMCA”. No doubt Darren will choose “Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me” as “walk up” music before his press conferences. No doubt all the downtrodden, demoralized competent white men in the audience will cheer.
By Ed Dufton