Poor Kaydon

Lynette Dufton
2 min readJun 6, 2023


Marjorie Taylor Greene may get more ink, but Rep. Lauren Bobert, Republican (what else?) from Colorado is every bit as zany.

When Congress reconvened after Jan 6, everyone entering the Capitol, senators and representatives included, had to pass through a metal detector. Memories of shattered glass and “Hang Mike Pence” demanded caution. Our girl Lauren was having none of it. She marched right on through the metal detector with her trusty Glock in her handbag and refused to stop for inspection. “This is my 2nd amendment right!” Fox News loved it.

Later, the House and Senate voted to make the Capitol a firearms-free zone. It would suck if those “peaceful patriots” found AR-15s in congressional offices and fired those weapons the next time they break in. Lauren was famous for exhibiting all manner of firearms in her office and refused to give her collection up. Again, Fox News loved it.

Besides the 2nd amendment, Lauren strongly supports pro-life causes. Lauren is so pro-life that she is the only 36 year old grandmother in Congress. Why not get all that mothering and even grandmothering out of the way before you hit 40? Lauren is so pro-life that she introduced a bill defunding Planned Parenthood. Sometimes, though, Lauren is a tad hypocritical.

Grilling a pharmaceutical CEO about high drug prices, Lauren related a personal experience. “I left a prescription at a pharmacy once. I went to get birth control. And I was there at the counter and went to pay for it, and the price was very, very high. I said, ‘Wow, is this a three-, six-month prescription?’ ‘No ma’am, this is one month.’ And I said, ‘It’s cheaper to have a kid,’ and I left it there. As a result of not purchasing the contraception, I now have my third son, Kaydon.”

Guess what, Lauren? Low-cost or even free contraception is available at the same Planned Parenthood that you want to defund.

“It’s cheaper to have a kid”? What world are you living in, Lauren? Also, maybe Kaydon is OK with being an uncle at age 13. After all, how many other 8th graders have a little nephew to take to the park. A baby is better than a puppy to pick up girls. Still, it must be deflating to know that if Mom had $20 more at Walgreen’s, you wouldn’t exist.

I’m sure that Casa Boebert back in Colorado is chock full of guns. Kaydon can pick one and release his tensions by blasting away at (hopefully) inanimate objects.

By Ed Dufton



Lynette Dufton
Lynette Dufton

Written by Lynette Dufton

These posts are written by my father, Ed Dufton, who has an incredible knack of condensing the day’s news into a witty and insightful commentary on society.

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