
Lynette Dufton
2 min readJul 18, 2022


Political polling is an inexact science. You have to ask the right question to the right people and even then you get the wrong answer. Newspapers were so sure that Dewey would defeat Truman in 1948 that they printed “Dewey Wins” front page headlines before the results were in. More recently, Hillary had the 2016 election in the bag over that pompous windbag from “The Apprentice” until she didn’t.

Donnie is more “in the news” today than when he was president. Will he run in ’24? Will he be criminally charged for Jan 6? Will he trade in Melania for a new wife? He seems to do that every twenty years or so. Naturally, Donnie is the subject of polls.

A poll of registered Republicans showed that 75% (!) felt that Donnie was “just exercising his right to question the election results”. Of course, his “Stop the Steal” fundraisers have hauled in a cool $200 million from those folks. “Tell a lie often enough and it becomes a truth.” It also brings in a decent buck. 86% (!) of Trump 2024 supporters claim that he was the actual winner in 2020. Those space rays from an Italian satellite controlled by Hugo Chavez were really powerful.

Only 20% stated that the events of Jan 6 “threatened American democracy”. The IQ of a mob is equal to that of its lowest member divided by the number of people in the mob. Had they gotten to Mike Pence, they would have hung him. That’s mob mentality. The American VP strung up outside the Capitol would be a definite “threat to democracy”.

Paula Hudnall, a 51 year old nurse from West Virginia, explained Jan 6 away. “Any time you have a large crowd, you’re going to have people get out of hand and become unruly,”, she said to the pollsters. Good point, Paula. There was a large crowd gathered for the “Capitol 4th” celebration a couple of weeks ago. “Lamestream News” PBS failed to cover that crowd becoming “unruly”, breaking into the Capitol, and trashing Nancy Pelosi’s office. That’s what large crowds do and it isn’t news anymore.

I won’t believe any polls until the 2024 electoral votes are counted.

By Ed Dufton



Lynette Dufton
Lynette Dufton

Written by Lynette Dufton

These posts are written by my father, Ed Dufton, who has an incredible knack of condensing the day’s news into a witty and insightful commentary on society.

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