Not a Good Day
Yesterday was not a good day for me or for the country.
I drove to the Y only to find it closed due to a power failure. Too bad for me. The Phillies were up 3–0 after 7 innings against a last place team and managed to blow the game. Too bad for me and also the 40,000 fans who paid big bucks to witness that disaster.
But that wasn’t the biggest disaster of June 27. Joe Biden literally shit the bed in the much-ballyhooed Debate. Too bad for the country. Too bad for the world if Donnie regains the White House. That’s a lie, Joe! Call him out on it! The streets of (Democrat-run) big cities are stacked with corpses slaughtered by immigrants that Joe Biden personally allowed into the country from insane asylums in shithole countries???
I am too verklempt to expand on Trump’s lies and Biden’s incompetence. Alexandra Petri (humor columnist par excellence) put it best. “Do you feel the cold hand of terror grip your heart, America, as these two men over 75 argue about their golf handicaps? Do you feel a sensation like something dying, and you are terrified to see what that thing was that died, because you fear it might be hope? Are you waking up in a cold sweat and wondering: How did we get here? How did we decide that live television performance was the best way to determine who should run the country? And how was this that performance?”
By Ed Dufton