Money “Trumps” Racism

Lynette Dufton
2 min readSep 1, 2023


Money “trumps” racism every time in MAGA World.

Harrison Floyd stood out during the arraignments of the eighteen defendants in Donnie’s Georgia trial. He was the only one without a lawyer, the only one tossed into prison for not making bail, and, of course, the only Black. That is a classic racist “dog whistle”. Donnie raised more than $4 million in the two days after his famous scowling mug shot was released. He dealt some of it out to the seventeen Whites to bail them out of jail. Sorry about that, Harrison.

Actually, Georgia is not as racist as MAGA World. Harrison had already been evaluated by the Georgia Public Defender Counsel and was not taken on as a client — a sign that he may not have qualified financially for indigent defense services. Regardless, Judge McAfee ordered a Public Defender to represent Harrison for the purpose of obtaining bail. Harrison was free after spending five nights in jail. Even a White Georgia Judge saw only the Black guy going to jail for Donald Trump as bad optics.

If there’s a way to make a buck, Trumpies will find it. After Harrison’s story became public (though not on Fox News), The Dominion Law Group and the Law Offices of Brandon A. Thomas began crowdsourced online fundraisers for Harrison that so far have raised roughly $300,000. No more overworked, perhaps incompetent Public Defender for Harrison, thanks to the generosity of MAGA folk. I wonder how much of that $300 K will remain in the pockets of the principals at Dominion and Brandon A. Thomas as opposed to increasing Harrison’s bank account.

Harrison qualified as a MAGA All-Star when he ran for Congress in 2019. He dropped out of the race in a few weeks, but left an impression with his TV ad. It showed him firing an AR-15 at images of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Maybe trigger-happy Harrison should not be free on bail.

A Black Trump supporter in jail was a great symbol for MAGA World. But $300 K is even better. “Money makes the world go ‘round”

By Ed Dufton



Lynette Dufton
Lynette Dufton

Written by Lynette Dufton

These posts are written by my father, Ed Dufton, who has an incredible knack of condensing the day’s news into a witty and insightful commentary on society.

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