Have a Beer With
The presidential election of 2000 seems a lifetime ago. 9/11 hadn’t happened yet. America was not involved in any foreign wars. The economy was chugging along. There was no “invasion of rapists, criminals and some, I suppose, good people” at our southern border. Once each year, the pro-lifers would march on Washington, but abortion was legal.
Many voters chose between Bush and Gore on the basis of “who I’d rather have a beer with.” G.W. seemed like the kind of guy who would talk baseball and maybe buy a round or two. Al would bitch about things like the environment and racy rap lyrics. Also, Al Gore claimed that as a Senator, he pretty much invented that Internet thing that no one really understands. The final straw was when he claimed that he and Tipper were the inspiration for “Love Story”. “That can’t be! Tipper isn’t dead.”
2000 should have taught all those political consultants that the “swing voters” who decide elections do not vote on the basis of the issues, but on personality. 40% of the electorate cares about progressive issues and will vote for the Democratic candidate no matter what. Another 40% is bedrock “guns and religion” and will vote for the Republican candidate even if he is a New York billionaire who has never fired a gun and who has sex with porn stars just after his wife gave birth. The final 20% don’t care about issues that don’t affect them personally. “Climate change? We never get hurricanes here. Ukraine? Where’s that?”
The Democrats emphasize issues and “swing voters’ tune them out. “I’d rather have a beer with Donald Trump than Hillary. Donnie would tell some racy (and probably racist) jokes. Hillary would order a Chardonnay and look down on my Miller Lite.” “On the other hand, I’d rather have a beer with Joe Biden than Trump until Old Joe kind of looked like he would fall over after a shot-and-a-beer”.
Vice Presidential candidates can only hurt a campaign. The classic example is Sarah “I can see Russia from my back yard” Palin though Dan “Potatoe spelled with an e” Quayle runs a close second. Surprisingly, the Dems got it right this time. Tim Walz is the classic “Let’s get a beer and talk football” guy while JD Vance, despite the “Hillbilly Elegy” thing looks like a “dirty Martini stirred not shaken” type with that perfectly-trimmed beard.
Kamala, you’ll never be the ideal bar companion, but “swing voters” will support you if you emphasize issues that directly affect them. Abortion is key. Trump and the Republicans have painted themselves into a corner. Any female or anyone who has a wife or daughter would be affected by the six week abortion limit with no or limited exceptions that is in place in some states.
If November 5 goes the way I hope that it will, I’ll be having several beers.
By Ed Dufton