End Times Coming
How does an obscure first-term State Senator become the Republican nominee for Pennsylvania Governor and a frequent “contributor” to Fox News? Almighty God has a lot to do with it.
Barack Obama was also an obscure first-term State Senator when his speech before the Democratic National Convention brought the house down. The US Senate and the presidency followed.
Doug Mastriano wowed the far-right New Apostolic Restoration Movement. The group believes that the End Times are coming soon. If America is not deemed a righteous Christian nation, we will all be cast into the Fiery Pit. Joe Biden’s election was a sign that the End Times are truly upon us. Those seeking to return Trump to the White House were “following truth, righteousness, holiness, and biblical justice.” According to the NARM, God wanted the mob to “hang Mike Pence”.
The New Apostolic Restoration Movement held nearly two dozen “Global Prayer for Election Integrity” Zoom calls between Election Day and Jan. 6. Doug Mastriano energized the crowd with Pennsylvania references during his prayer:
“We remember 1776 in Philadelphia where our Declaration of Independence, spoke God’s Truth and Word over what would become the United States of America.”
Doug must have missed American History class on the day when it was revealed that Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration was a Deist who rejected Christ’s divinity. The First Amendment specifying separation of Church and State might give a clue about what the Founding Fathers really thought.
“Pennsylvania remained part of God’s Divine Plan, from the Battle of Gettysburg to the fate of Flight 93, which crashed after a strong Christian man confronted Islamist hijackers on 9/11, with the cry, “Let’s roll!”
Fifty-0ne thousand soldiers died at Gettysburg. I refuse to believe that God planned it that way. “I will kill 51,000 of my children rather than have their leaders reach a compromise on slavery.” Flight 93 was a battle for survival not a mini-jihad between “strong Christians” and dastardly Islamists.
Doug closed by imploring Congress to “disregard” the certified election results for Pennsylvania, “in Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Many vile deeds have been committed “in Jesus’ name” — the Crusades, pogroms, the Inquisition, etc. Doug would add unauthorized Pennsylvania electors to that list.
By Ed Dufton