Dumb and Dumber
Saturday Night Live sketches portrayed the Trump Boys as “Dumb & Dumber”. Little Brother Eric was “Dumber”.
Eric lived up to SNL’s portrayal last week when he appeared on a video interview with Christian broadcaster Julie Green. Julie is way out there even for the Jerry Falwell crowd. She purports to be a “prophet” and claims that Joe Biden is secretly dead. The Deep State is apparently pulling a “Weekend at Bernie’s” on the world to keep him in power and to keep Donnie out of the White House.
Eric unveiled his Christian bona fides. “I lead a clean, positive life. I wake up at 4:30 a.m. every single day to say the Pledge of Allegiance to my two young children, ages 5 and 3. And then I say the Lord’s Prayer, and I say two other little family prayers that we have. Then I make them say something that’s meaningful to them. I do this every single night at 7:45 no matter where I am in the world. If I can’t be there, I’m doing it on FaceTime.”
The apple doesn’t fall very far from the tree. Like Daddy Donnie, Eric makes no sense and leaves unanswered questions. Do you wake the kids up at 4:30 for the Pledge? They must love that. Is the “family prayers” thing at 4:30 AM or at 7:45 PM? If you are at one of Daddy’s golf courses in Scotland and you Face Time your kids at 7:45 PM Eastern, it is 12:45 AM Scottish time which gives you less than 4 hours sleep until you are up and at ’em with your 4:30 AM Pledge Ritual.
But wait, there’s more…
You can’t do an interview without complimenting the host and, if you are a Trump, slamming Obama. Eric accomplished both in this bit of verbal diarrhea:
“Thank you for standing up for, you know, the Lord and Christianity and just religious freedom in general. I mean, something that is massively attacked right now and it’s, it’s something that I’m actually pretty convinced, I’m gonna get hit for saying this, but coming out of Obama, where we were losing massive amounts of religious liberty in this country, I mean, massive amounts. You, you could hardly even say ‘Merry Christmas’ without being, like, shunned because you might offend somebody who wasn’t, you know, Christian, — I mean, it was crazy.”
Georgetown University must be proud of granting a degree to someone so articulate and eloquent. Yo, Eric! Get with it! Fox News dropped the whole War on Christmas thing years ago. We all remember the Obama years. He did not convert Christian churches to mosques. If there was religious discrimination coming from the White House, it was when your Dad instituted the Muslim Ban on the same day he was inaugurated.
Dumb &. Dumber indeed.
By Ed Dufton