Big Egg vs. Big Oil
Mathematics is a wonderful thing.
Humanities majors taunt Science nerds with “Figures lie and liars figure.” A Poli Sci major might have believed Donnie when he claimed that his Inauguration crowd was the biggest ever. An Actuarial Science guy would counter with, “Those empty seats covered in white cloth don’t count. Trump’s crowd was 63.2% that of Obama’s first Inauguration. In fact, the crowd for the Women’s March the next day was larger as well.”
Fox News emphasized Egg Inflation yesterday. I almost fell off my recumbent bike when the attractive blonde in a pastel dress (Is there another type of broadcaster at Fox?) noted:
100 billion eggs are consumed per year in the US
Avg price Dec 22 was $4.25 per dozen
Avg price Dec 21was $1.89 per dozen
It is, of course, all Joe Biden’s fault.
Doing the math, I assumed that there are 330 million Americans. Then, each American consumes 300 eggs in a year. That’s just short of one egg every day for every American. I only eat eggs at the free breakfast buffet when I travel. Someone somewhere doubled up and ate my egg this morning.
But seriously folks…That is a shitload of eggs.
Big Oil had record profits last year. Big Egg did even better. Big Egg hauled in $16 billion in 2021 which more than doubled to $35 billion in 2022. And their employees work for “chicken feed”.
Good old Math. I love it.
By Ed Dufton