At It Again
Donnie is at it again.
Responding to Chris Christie’s announcement of his presidential run this week, Donnie acted like the mature, reasonable former Commander-in-Chief that he is. He posted a clearly doctored video of Christie at a buffet table. Yes, Donnie, we know that Christie is fat and that The Leader of the Free World should not have a weight problem. But have you looked in the mirror lately?
For those who missed his oh-so-subtle mockery the first time, Donnie then posted another doctored photo of Christie with the caption “He needs to simply run rather than run for president!!!” This is from the guy who limits his exercise to riding around a golf course in a cart because “Humans only get so many breaths and I don’t want to waste mine on exercise.” We should listen to Donnie rather than every medical professional who has ever lived. It was Donnie who came up with ingesting disinfectant as the cure for COVID.
Chris Christie returned some of the venom. “Beware of the leader in this country, who you have handed leadership to, who has never made a mistake, who has never done anything wrong, who when something goes wrong it’s always someone else’s fault. And who has never lost,” Christie said in New Hampshire.
That sounds like every manager I ever worked for at Air Products. “If this works, Ed, it was all my idea. If it doesn’t, it is all your fault.” At least I was never mocked for my weight.
By Ed Dufton