Air Travel
Air travel was different in the early 1970’s. Passengers were treated like honored guests instead of like cattle. Flights over one hour duration provided free hot meals. If landing or take-off were delayed more than 30 minutes, Delta gave out free drinks. Even economy class had plenty of leg room. White cloth napkins on the headrests were replaced between flights so that a previous passenger’s hair spray, gel, or lice) would not contaminate your coif.
Then there was smoking. Anyone under age 60 finds it hard to believe that even before the plane “reached a comfortable cruising altitude” and the “seat belt sign was turned off”, the captain would announce that “smoking is now permitted.” Everyone would light up. Smoking was later restricted to the back rows of the plane, but in the early ’70s the guy seated next to you might go through half a pack of Marlboros on a cross-country flight.
Generations X and Z (why is there no Generation Y?) would be even more incredulous about stewardess restrictions back in the day. Stewardesses (and they were all female) had to be single, under 30, and weigh less than 120 lbs. Their uniform consisted of short skirts and high heels which are really unstable during turbulence. National Airlines actually outfitted its “stews” in “hot pants” and “go-go boots” for a while.
Thankfully, America has outgrown that particular facet of sexism. China may be devolving back to it. Hainan Airlines instituted Cabin Crew Appearance Guidelines this month. Female flight attendants must meet “standard” weight based on height. If 5”-2”, she must weigh no more than 105 lbs. Those weighing 5% more than the standard must “weigh in” before every flight. Those 10% overweight are immediately suspended without pay.
By the way, 105 lbs is really a tough standard for anyone over age 10.
Other foreign airlines are going in the opposite direction. Australia’s Qantas announced new guidelines for all crew members regardless of gender. Male or female can have long hair, wear make-up, or wear high heels. Crocodile Dundee might be upset about that.
I’m glad that in-flight smoking is gone. Frankly, I don’t care if my flight attendant is older and heavier than I am. I would appreciate the return of leg room and free hot meals though.
By Ed Dufton